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Even springs

Fire is a fundamental ecological process in many terrestrial ecosystems. This course examines fire ecology and ecologically-based management of a variety of ecosystems.

This course is designed to give you an understanding of fire ecology and implications for ecologically-based fire management in a variety of ecosystems. The course examines the ecological effects of fire on plants, animals, soil, water, and air. Our discussions will be framed by current issues, including the wildfire crisis, climate change, the wildland urban interface, and invasive species.

Required for the Wildfire Science minor.

Prerequisite: Any B1 or B2 class. Biology major or Wildfire Science minor. Other majors considered with instructor consent.


The diversity of life and the mechanisms by which that diversity has arisen. Concepts include: scientific method, origins of life, adaptation of organisms to different environments, ecology, and evolution.

Satisfies B2B3: Life Science & Lab

Prerequisite(s): BIOL 30 with a grade of “C” or better for Biology and Forensic Science majors. Instructor consent for all other majors. Must be majoring in Biology (all), Biomedical Eng, Biochemistry, ENVS (all), Forensic Science (all), Nutritional Science, Meterology-CS, Kinesiology, Computer Science, and Communicative Disorders

Modern Laptop

BIOL 220 - Science Communication

This course will focus on learning to effectively present ongoing scientific research to a wide audience, with an emphasis on developing science communication skills, learning to place data within the context of a field, and developing critical thinking skills.

Pre/Corequisite(s): BIOL 202

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